Concert: A Steel Pan Lenten Journey
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Join us for in-person services

Holy Sacrament Episcopal Church

every Sunday at 9:30 a.m.

Sunday Worship Online

at 9:30 a.m.

Sunday services are available live on Facebook or YouTube.

You may also join by calling 1-929-205-6099
and when prompted please enter:
Meeting ID: 994 3393 3565#
Participant ID: #

Password: 1#

Wednesday Bible Study

Wednesdays at 7:00 p.m.

by Zoom

Check your inbox for more information!

If you do not want to fill out
a pledge card online,
please call the church office
at 954-432-8686.

Music at Holy Sacrament

Music is an important part of life at Holy Sacrament,
and is reflected through the diversity of Repertoire performed,
including Traditional, Modern, and Contemporary Christian Music.

Current ensembles include a Children's choir, Youth Choir, Youth Band, and Adult Choir.
In addition, we offer a 4 part yearly Concert Series,
featuring National and International Musicians and Performers.